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Publications: Publications

Synchronization of the circadian clock to the environment tracked in real time

Protocols for in vitro reconstitution of the cyanobacterial circadian clock

Site-directed spin labeling to elucidating the mechanism of the cyanobacterial circadian clock

A Nighttime Edge Site Intermediate in the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock Identified by EPR Spectroscopy

Reconstitution of an intact clock reveals mechanisms of circadian timekeeping

Mechanistic Aspects of the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock

Identification and Characterization of Metamorphic Proteins: Current and Future Perspectives

A Cyanobacterial Component Required for Pilus Biogenesis Affects the Exoproteome

Monitoring Protein-Protein Interactions in the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock in Real Time via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Real-Time In Vitro Fluorescence Anisotropy of the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock

Structure, Function, and Mechanism of the Core Circadian Clock in Cyanobacteria

Genome-Wide Fitness Assessment During Diurnal Growth Reveals an Expanded Role of the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock Protein KaiA

Structural Basis of the Day-Night Transition in a Bacterial Circadian Clock

A Protein Fold Switch Joins the Circadian Oscillator to Clock Output in Cyanobacteria

Cooperative KaiA-KaiB-KaiC Interactions Affect KaiB/SasA Competition in the Circadian Clock of Cyanobacteria

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Circadian Clock of Cyanobacteria

Rhythmic Ring-Ring Stacking Drives the Circadian Oscillator Clockwise

Flexibility of the C-terminal, or CII, Ring of KaiC Governs the Rhythm of the Circadian Clock of Cyanobacteria

The KaiA Protein of the Cyanobacterial Circadian Oscillator is Modulated by a Redox-Active Cofactor

Deuterium Isotope Effects on 15N Backbone Chemical Shifts in Proteins

A Novel Allele of kaiA Shortens the Circadian Period and Strengthens Interaction of Oscillator Components in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942

The Day/Night Switch in KaiC, a Central Oscillator Component of the Circadian Clock of Cyanobacteria

Hydrogen-Bonding and pi-pi Base-Stacking Interactions are Coupled in DNA, as Suggested by Calculated and Experimental trans-Hbond Deuterium Isotope Shifts

Sensitivity of Hydrogen Bonds of DNA and RNA to Hydration, as Gauged by 1JNH Measurements in Ethanol–Water Mixtures

Quinone Sensing by the Circadian Input Kinase of the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock

Computational and Empirical trans-Hydrogen Bond Deuterium Isotope Shifts Suggest that N1–N3 A:U Hydrogen Bonds of RNA are Shorter than those of A:T Hydrogen Bonds of DNA

1JNH Values Show that N1···N3 Hydrogen Bonds are Stronger in dsRNA A:U than dsDNA A:T Base Pairs

Structure of the N-terminal Domain of the Circadian Clock-Associated Histidine Kinase SasA

Structure of the C-terminal Domain of the Clock Protein KaiA in Complex with a KaiC-Derived Peptide: Implications for KaiC Regulation

N1∙∙∙N3 Hydrogen Bonds of A:U Base Pairs of RNA are Stronger than those of A:T Base Pairs of DNA

Crystal Structure of Circadian Clock Protein KaiA from Synechococcus elongatus

Trans-Hydrogen Bond Deuterium Isotope Effects of A:T base Pairs in DNA

NMR Structure of the KaiC-Interacting C-Terminal Domain of KaiA, a Circadian Clock Protein: Implications for KaiA–KaiC Interaction

Observation of a Distinct Transition in the Mode of Interconversion of Ring Pucker Conformers in Non-Crystalline D-Ribose-2′-D from 2H NMR Spin-Alignment

Deuterium Isotope Effects and Fractionation Factors of Hydrogen-Bonded A:T Base Pairs of DNA

Structure and Function from the Circadian Clock Protein KaiA of Synechococcus elongatus: a Potential Clock Input Mechanism

Conformational Heterogeneity in the C-terminal Zinc Fingers of Human MTF-1: an NMR and Zinc-Binding Study

Conformations of Nucleoside Analogue 1-(2'-Deoxy-β-d-ribofuranosyl)-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide in Different DNA Sequence Contexts

NMR Structure of a DNA Duplex Containing Nucleoside Analog 1-(2′-deoxy-β-D-ribofuranosyl)-3-nitropyrrole and the Structure of the Unmodified Control

Dynamics Study on the Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Chemokine Viral Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-II (VMIP-II) Reveals a Fully Monomeric Protein

Effect of N-Terminal Truncation and Solution Conditions on Chemokine Dimer Stability: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Structural Analysis of Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1β Mutants

Solution NMR Characterization of Hydrogen Bonds in a Protein by Indirect Measurement of Deuterium Quadrupole Couplings

Equilibrium Protium/Deuterium Fractionation of Backbone Amides in U−13C/15N Labeled Human Ubiquitin by Triple Resonance NMR

Determination of the Backbone Dihedral Angles φ in Human Ubiquitin from Reparametrized Empirical Karplus Equations

Reparametrization of the Karplus Relation for 3J(Hα-N) and 3J(HN-C') in Peptides from Uniformly 13C/15N-Enriched Human Ubiquitin

Sequential Backbone Assignment of Isotopically Enriched Proteins in D2O by Deuterium-Decoupled HA(CA)N and HA(CACO)N

An Efficient Triple-Resonance Experiment for Proton-Directed Sequential Backbone Assignment of Medium-Sized Proteins

1H, 13C, 15N Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Backbone Assignments and Secondary Structure of Human Calcineurin B

A Solid-State 2H NMR Investigation of Purine Motion in a 12-Base-Pair RNA Duplex

Minimizing the Effects of Radio-Frequency Heating in Multidimensional NMR Experiments

Measurement of Three-Bond Nitrogen-Carbon J Couplings in Proteins Uniformly Enriched in 15N and 13C

Errors in RNA NOESY Distance Measurements in Chimeric and Hybrid Duplexes: Differences in RNA and DNA Proton Relaxation

Coupling of Distant ATPase Domains in the Circadian Clock Protein KaiC

Considerations in the Application of Orientation-Dependent Analysis of NOE Intensities to DNA Oligonucleotides

High-resolution NMR Studies of Chimeric DNA-RNA-DNA Duplexes, Heteronomous Base Pairing, and Continuous Base Stacking at Junctions
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